Some fucking asshole kicked me in the hallway. It was totally not on purpose but it fucking HURT! My leg is already bruised up from falling all over the ice thankyouverymuch. Why the fuck are you kicking stuff in the hallway anyway? There were TONS of people walkign around. Fucking lolo.

There are no Swedish letters on this lolo computer so I have to type in English. There's also no USB port thingy so I can't access my stuff. What's the point of even having computers for the students if they aren't good for anything?

No I'm really not in a bad mood, just a little annoyed. All in all the day has been good so far. I handed in my religion paper and law was sort of fun, we were mostly talking and waiting for him to hand us copies from Wednesday. We didn't get our tests back though, sucked. Also won't get my Geography test back today, which sucks even more cuz I'm pretty sure I got a B+ on the Law test but on the Geo one, I have no clue. It's hard getting a good grade from him, the test scores are generally lower in his classes than in others.

Ummmmmmm.... I have to do a book report. It was really due Wednesday but since it's oral I haven't had the change to present mine and I thought I'd do a new one instead that will be better. Not sure which book to pick, maybe buy a new one? I'm interested in Eddie Would Go.... hehe! cuz I never read it, just heard the saying a million times. Or I'm thinking I'll do Hannah's Gift, I love that book and I've read it a million times so...

Yeah I got an A on the Spanish test, but I did really bad. Like six errors. I only ever had
three at the most! I feel like such a failure LOL My final grade in Spanish will be A anyway, and in French, English and Religion. I don't know about any of the other classes cuz I didn't find out during the meeting and the others I know cuz I asked the teacher.

Sonja here, gotta go!


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