You know you're from Hawaii when....
You know you're from Hawaii when...
1) You can understand and speak Pidgin English
2) You say "slippers" instead of "flip-flops"..and it's "Shoyu" not "Soy Sauce"
3) You eat "saimin" not "cup of noodles"
4) You take off your shoes in other people's homes
5) You make people take off their shoes when entering your home/dorm
6) You can or do eat rice with every meal
7) At 2am on a saturday night, when all the college kids go to IHop and Del Taco...You wish you could be going to Zippy's ...
8) Your Shave Ice would not be complete without either condensed milk or Li Hing Mui powder
9) You know NEVER to turn your back to the ocean (I'm dumb like that!)
10) You know what ukus are and have had them at least once when you was one little keiki. (I neva did!)
11) When you first came up to college everytime you went to a restaurant or fast food place you would look for a keiki's menu or fruit punch.
12) You know where all the creepy places (like burial sites) are in the island
13) You know how Maui Slowed The Sun
14) You eat Kakimochi (Arare)
15) You know what "tutu" means.
16) Malama da Aina...that's all I need to say
17) To you, sushi means sushi, not RAW FISH!
18) You eat... and LOVE malasadas
19) You know why there are alphabets on trees on graduation day
20) You know what lei day, girls' day, boys' day, and children's day is
21) You know what the "stink eye" is; and how to give it.
22) You can correctly pronouce kalanianaole, kalakaua and aiea
23) You know what a "Huli Huli Chicken" is.
24) You know what it takes to get into kamehameha school.
25) You say, "Nori" not seaweed paper.
26) You say "Brah" not "Bro".
27) Your jokes are about Filipinos or Portugese not Polish. AND telling an ethnic joke is politically correct ... (I tell jokes about them but I no think it's PC)
28) You know what "Morgan's Corner " is ... and thinking about it gives you "chickenskin"
29) You think 70 degrees is freezing cold
30) When you hear the words "fund raiser", you know it means Zippy's Chili
31) F#$K Girl's Scout Cookies...try School Kine Cookies
32) You know and have been "All Bus"
33) You never understood why adding pineapple and ham to a pizza made it Hawaiian to the rest of the world
34) You're high school prom wouldn't have been complete without a maile lei wrapped in tuberose...and you couldn't have graduated without a million leis (no leis on graduation day makes lani cry)
35) You measure the water for the rice by the knuckle of your index finger
36) You call everyone older than you "Aunty" or "Uncle" even though they aren't related to you
37) You drive barefoot.
38) You feel guilt leaving a get-together without helping clean up.
39) The idea of taking something from a heiau is unthinkable.
40) Your cousin is Japanese-Chinese-German-French-Filipino-Korean-Scottish-Portuguese-Hawaiian, plus some stuff too manini to mention
41) You watch your favorite shows "on top the TV"
42) "You like beef" has nothing to do with what's for dinner
43) you know what nationality girl would put tape on her eyelids and why...
44) You've given Kahi Mohala's number out to a guy/girl you didn't like...
45) If you were old enough you would have voted for Bula'ia'
46) You still chant "Hanakokolele" when a friend or co-worker goofs up.
47) You let other cars ahead of you on the freeway and you give shaka to everyone who lets you in.
48) When you meet another person from Hawaii in the mainland, the most important thing to you is what high school they wen' grad and what year...
49) Somewhere over the rainbow a big H flies ...
hahaha, i looove these kine lists, hella fun :P
Och alla stämmer också. I mean, who can't pronounce kalanianaole, kalakaua and aiea? haha soo easy brah. and ohh da malasadas, dey stay so ono! I want them noow :D
and btw, Zippy's saimin is the best ever! This summer i ate there like every other day for breakfast and da saimin was my number one choice :)
När skulle du till Thailand sis? :)